姓名:  Wenny Fu    
    126个人参与评分 共有125条评论 点击次数:168585
公司:凤凰地产 Phoenix Real Estate
手机: (781) 530-6118
微信: wennyfu1
  • ----2012-10-04 04:30:28 Norwood MA, United States
  • ----2011-02-28 05:00:00
    你真的是个很棒的AGENT!工作效率高,负责又敬业。对我们所有的问题都及时答复,还给出很多有建设性的意见。专业知识强,聪明,能干。我们之前用过的一个号称有20 年经验的AGENT,问什么都说不清楚,问多了就糊涂了。搞得我们又着急又生气。找到你之后,我们马上就知道遇到了好AGENT。因为你的帮助,我们买房的经验不再是孤立无助。我们有了一位能干又可靠的帮手。碰到那么难搞得SELLER,要是没有你的帮助,我们可能就错过喜欢的房子了。一直在幸我们能够遇到你。非常感谢你!
  • ----2011-04-08 04:00:00
  • ----2012-02-10 05:00:00
    恭喜发财!祝你心想事成!阖家幸福!我以前用过两个agent,都不太满意。房子不好的地方,并不帮我指出来,对于第一次买房子的人没有专业人士的意见还是很困难的。 在网上看了Wenny写的文章,想找Wenny试试。Wenny做事干净利落,回复电话email都很快。下offer也相当有经验,知道怎样写才能抢到热门的房子。要是早认识Wenny,估计以前错过的房子是能抢得到的。。。谢谢Wenny
  • ----2011-10-17 04:00:00
    找Wenny帮我list 出租房,Wenny比我还用心,帮我提建议post什么样的照片更好,还帮我找合适的building的照片 (本人照相技术太差)。很快帮我post在网上,两个星期房子就租出去了。 多谢Wenny的帮忙!
  • ----2011-06-20 04:00:00
    认识Wenny实在是我们的运气! 我们从外州搬来, 是一个朋友向我们强烈推荐了她. 不同档次的房子看了很多(包括8万的投资房), 她总是那么热情, 办事效率很高, 帮助我们分析每套看过的房子的利弊, 而且是站在我们的角度帮助分析. 最终帮我们找到满意的房子. 不知为什么,第一次见到她就觉得她是个非常可信赖的人, 后来的事实更证明了我们的判断. “谦卑服务于人, 结识更多朋友”, 这是Wenny的business slogan, 也是她的真实写照. 现在的Wenny (包括他先生,孩子们)已是我们的Family Friend! 今年是龙年, 古人曰 “龙凤成祥”. 愿她的 “凤凰”今年飞的更高!
  • ----2011-02-10 05:00:00
    I am happy to write feedback for Wenny. But people in downstares wrote something just I want to share. Here I'd like to say I have exactly the same feeling
  • ----2011-07-29 04:00:00
    Wenny has been very helpful during our house hunting. She is professional and patient. She is always there to offer the help and advice we need. We feel lucky to have her as our buying agent.Listing Agent: We have a close cash offer. But I suggest my clients to take yours because of your reputation
  • ----2011-06-30 04:00:00
  • ----2011-05-27 04:00:00
    Wenny is absolutely the right agent if you want to buy the right house at the right price. She is responsive, responsible, experienced and knowledgeable. She always goes above and beyond to help you whenever she can. She referred to me a good loan agent, a good lawyer, good renovation stores, and even a good pediatrician for my son (we just moved to Boston and have no clue). When I was thinking to buy a really old house, she helped me to estimate the upgrade costs for every single detail, which is not part of her job responsibilities.She is a straightforward person and never hides her opinions. This will definitely help you in making critical decisions - you don't have to listen to her but at least you have an honest input from an experienced agent and friend. She is very warm-hearted and a great reliable agent you can count on anytime.
  • ----2011-04-29 04:00:00
  • ----2011-07-22 04:00:00
    I am so glad to be a client of you. Thanks!
  • ----2011-07-22 04:00:00
    Thank you, Wenny! And thanks to Karen's help, too!
  • ----2011-07-24 04:00:00
    Wenny是我来波士顿后认识的第一个老乡,也是唯一一个,所以自然感觉特别亲切. 从我们打算买房开始,就一直没有拿定主意,每次看房都去不同的town, 本来想买个学区房, 结果买了现在这个房子, 导致我们在未来的几年内还要再搬家至少两次, 不过对于这个房子本身, 除了地点是无奈的选择以外, 其他一切都很满意. Wenny 是能从客户角度出发, 为客户着想的人, 对房子有什么看法, 她都会坦率的说出来. 她在我们看房过程中给了我们很多很好的建议, 有些由于我们自己的原因而没有听从, 事实证明她都是对的. Wenny不仅对待工作非常热情, 对待客户也非常热心, 下雨天陪我们看房, 还给我们当司机, 在我们需要的时候慷慨的提供帮助, 能感觉的出, 她是会把客户当成朋友的人, 非常感谢wenny!
  • ----2011-10-21 04:00:00
    Frankly speaking, Wenny is a great agent not only due to her knowledgeable and informative basis in the field but more important because of the following personal traits:1-Very responsible and considerate, really think for her clients from every possible aspects throughout the house purchasing; her past action earned her high credibility, no need to argue;2-Act efficiently, respond quick and in a time manner, from the very first appointment for house visiting, to writing offer, to Purchase and Sale, and all the way to closing, you never have impression of delaying, which exhibits her professional spirit;3-Most important and impressed me most, is the post-closing followup and care for client, this is really warmhearted from a client’s perspective, not many agents can do a good job in this regard, and undoubtfully, Wenny stands out particularly for this reason.
  • ----2011-10-28 04:00:00
    Wenny 回应一直超及时,我们觉得很复杂的情况经她提点立马开窍了,人很nice认真,风格简单明快,和我俩小年轻脾气正投,是个爽快大方的好agent ! 希望Wenny越做越好,等我们过几年换房的时候再提点我们一番,呵呵~Listing agent: Like I said, we had two exactly same offers. We choose yours because your paperwork is so clean and I know you are a very good agent.
  • ----2011-11-30 05:00:00
    Professional agent-- Service more than just showing and negotiation, also share experience and advice to the client for renovation and investment, but leave the final decision to the client. When problem comes, very positive attitude to face it and work hard to solve it. Thanks for assisting us to find our dream house!
  • ----2011-10-31 04:00:00
    Good job, Wenny! You are responsive and act very quickly. It was a wise decision to have you as my agent.
  • ----2011-11-07 05:00:00
    去年夏天才从加拿大搬来波士顿,冬天就开始看房子,有心无心地也接触了不少代理。Wenny 是唯一一个为客户着想的,很直率的给你建议,好就是好,不好就是不好,她的建议不会因为你的偏好而奉承你。和她聊天很放松,很信任。其他的代理总是急切的推荐你好多房子,尽量告诉你每个房子的好处,催促你快买,而Wenny 只会推荐她认为达标的,房子的优点缺点讲的都很清楚。我们有一次执着的给offer,没有听从她的建议,最终以验房失败告终(Weny:失败原因---太小,不值),浪费了钱,浪费了时间。Wenny 从始至终都在提醒我们,但我们因为着急买房,强迫Wenny 做了不少没必要的工作。感谢Wenny 的直率,真诚和耐心。Wenny 对大波士顿地区的房市很熟悉。她知道哪些房子该去加价抢,哪些该去砍价,而这些不是我们从redfin 或 zillow 上可以领悟到的。非常幸运遇到Wenny ,希望我们能早点买到满意的房子.
  • ----2011-10-24 04:00:00
    Wenny was responsive, enthusiastic and knowledgable. she has given us a tremenderous help. She was not only considering our profit but paying attention to the details to secure our previliges. Being a first time buyer, we were lucky and blessed to have such an amazing agent. She made our purchasing process go so much smoother with a peace of mind.
  • ----2011-11-14 05:00:00
  • ----2011-11-30 05:00:00
    Wenny 其实挺可爱的 :)这次买房真是非常幸运的找了Wenny,给了我很多帮助和正确的引导。如果没有Wenny,我的麻烦可大了,完全不可能这么顺利的买到我喜欢的房子。Wenny 不像别的经济人,巴不得你赶紧买好,她拿钱走人。Wenny 非常为客户着想,而且她为你做了很多事吧,还就轻描淡写的跟你一笔带过。我们体会很深,非常感动。Wenny 经验丰富,眼光老到。这次好多事情多亏了 Wenny 出主意。买房的最后差一点出大娄子,幸亏当时听了Wenny 的建议。要是当时找的是别的经济人,我可能就白白损失了两万块啊!---钱不会丢,大不了我和loan officer一起变Lender.
  • ----2011-11-28 05:00:00
    我们对wenny的专业知识和服务水平非常满意,谢谢wenny!这个房子看了第一眼我就很喜欢,幸好是wenny提早安排我们在open house之前看了房子,才能让我们有充裕的时间来准备。抢房的过程也多亏了wenny的机灵和经验,抢到房子后又帮了不少忙,真是没二话。
  • ----2010-11-04 04:00:00
    先夸夸Wenny的聪明能干! 用了好几个agent,自己觉得agent一捞一把的, 可是能办事的,办得成事的就不多了。 能找到一个能干的还是挺不容易的!
  • ----2010-09-08 04:00:00
    写得不错。一直喜欢看你讲买房故事,想不到这次看到的竟然是自己的故事。另外,可以展开说说跟bank签Purchase and Sale的周折。有个人在mitbbsliving版说,买REO的房子就像是签不平等条约,这个我们深表赞同。但如果我们顺利close的话,看来不平等条约也不一定意味房子有问题,可以为后来人作参考.
  • ----2012-12-29 05:00:00
    Wenny is responsible and willing to do more than what she should do as an agent. She really keeps your need in mind and looks for houses meeting your expectation. During my search on the market, she provided a lot of constructive comments on houses including negative. Therefore, I think she is that kind of person taking customers' need as her priority instead of a successful and quick deal. My experience with her ended up with a successful and good buy in 2010.想了一想,还是决定给wenny写个feedback。我们和wenny在现实生活中因为买房成为了好朋友,所以怕写这个东西带倾向性,反而有给她做广告的嫌疑。我个人认为,wenny是个
  • ----2010-06-23 04:00:00
    写得不错!就是有点“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”了。//hehe 确实是十分感谢!如果第一次就听你的上##K的OFFER,肯定当时就搞定了。不过呢,若当时真买下来了,我们就不知道这房子有这么hot,也不会觉得你这个agent有多厉害, 没准还会觉着你在忽悠我们呢!现在是我们多出了钱,你少赚了钱,房子最终搞定了。你的Reputation是大大好了。It is still a happy ending.
  • ----2011-01-27 05:00:00
    We are very happy to have Wenny as our agent. Wenny always responded fast when we wanted to look houses and was patient to answer any questions we have. Her hardwork made the process smoothly. Thank you Wenny! Keep up the great work and helping more people.
  • ----2010-07-07 04:00:00
    We are very glad with our choice, for the house and for you as our agent. You did great job, I would highly recommend you to my friend. Also you are such a nice person, I hope we are not just agent and client later.
  • ----2010-04-27 04:00:00
    客人:以为你会被Coldwell banker 的VP吓倒,不想后来作得这么漂亮。我们有朋友就介绍给你。The other Broker: 我怎么也没想到会是你们拿到这个房子,我以为铁定会是谁谁的,我看见他们出手了.
  • ----2010-12-09 05:00:00
    so nice. You can write more detail, I don't care. It was the first and might be the only crazy action in my life. That night I was so exciting and exhausted. Thank you, Wenny!
  • ----2011-01-20 05:00:00
    From my clients:Thank you! We are very lucky to have you helping us on this process!!! Great job, Wenny ! Big thanks !I know Wenny from her blog. Her article is funny and she seems very pleasant. I enjoyed her stories and shared it with my husband. But we only knew her from her stories and never thought meeting her in person.We have been looking for a house for a few months. There was a new house came to market and we loved it. But no one can show us immediately. I hesitated and called Wenny and it became one of the most important call I ever made. She acted very fast and her advice is very effective. We got the house. Without her, we could lose in the competition.We are always impressed by her dedication and skill. We highly recommend her.Listing agent :Thank you Wenny for all your great help.. I wish all agents were as good as you !
  • ----2010-06-30 04:00:00
    看房时间很久了, 接触过好几个AGENT, 男女老少, 老中老美, 给回扣不回扣的, 感觉没什么太大差别, 现在才知道原来好的AGENT水平就是不一样. 以前仍出去OFFER就听天由命了, 现在知道有你在为我们尽心尽力, 心里很踏实. 很幸运能找到你做我们的AGENT。不过, 只怕你的名气越来越大, 客人越来越多, 我们只能挤你的时间了:)
  • ----2010-09-29 04:00:00
    Wenny is a good agent doing a great job for her client. All of our questions got answered in a timely manner. Wenny, your patience and support in making the home purchase so smoothly is highly appreciated !
  • ----2010-08-23 04:00:00
  • ----2011-01-28 05:00:00
  • ----2010-02-18 05:00:00
  • ----2010-02-26 05:00:00
    I wanted to drop you a note in order to express my thanks for your great job. The house I purchased two years ago is very nice and comfortable. I am very satisfied with this purchase. And surly, I willtry to recommend my friends who are shopping for homes to you. Again, thanks for your help.
  • ----2010-10-18 04:00:00
  • ----2010-06-11 04:00:00
    Thank you for the efforts during our purchase, which helped us to find a house we call home.
  • ----2009-12-23 05:00:00
  • ----2011-01-31 05:00:00
    Wenny is the best! She knows a lot about houses because she once built a house for herself. She even helped me in choosing the best materials for our new house. I am very fortunately to have her as our agent. Plus, the rebate is super sweet:) I strongly recommend her to my friends.
  • ----2012-05-09 04:00:00
    看了两年房,好不容易看上一个符合要求的,但是有一批offer来抢。出offer时,Wenny在很短时间内通过Town office, seller, lawyer 解答了我们的疑问,而且想出一些很好的策略。Wenny对房子很了解,什么要修,修的方法和价位都很清楚。没有她的经验,效率和 与seller agent negotiation 的技巧,很难在合适的价位买下这个房子。非常感谢Wenny!
  • ----2012-05-10 04:00:00
    Wenny is a great agent, we are very happy to work with her. This is the first time we buy the house, and Wenny gave us a lot of advice。She always points out the weakness first. Wenny is not like the other agent who just wants to have the deal, she is responsible for the client. The good agent is the agent who can assist you to get the house you like, not always the perfect, but you will never regret your decision. That is just the agent we need, like Wenny.
  • ----2012-06-29 04:00:00
    Wenny is very responsive for all my emails and phone calls. Particularly, she is very patient when answering my questions even when it is late at night. We had an extra long waiting time between P&S and closing, and Wenny is very cooperative when we need to make several visitation appointments for contractor measurements and price quote. We have no experience of dealing with other buyer agents, but we are very satisfied with Wenny's professional service.
  • ----2012-05-25 04:00:00
    来到波士顿已有三年多,终于买到了自己心仪已久的房子,这多亏了Wenny的帮助。其实我们来波士顿的第一天,就打算买房。可这三年多的曲折,只有自己能体会。多少好的房子因为我们的realtor约不到而眼睁睁被别人买走,因为我们无法对房子做出合理的评估而放弃。最后的结论是一定要找一个好的realtor。上哪找呢?Google!在阅读了许多评价后锁定了Wenny。她确如所说,工作效率极高,反应敏捷,对于房屋相关信息如装修,维护等了如指掌,能够为客户提供许多有利的建议。在她的帮助下,房子三个月就搞定。一家人都欢天喜地 。Wenny, 谢谢你!
  • ----2012-05-29 04:00:00
    因为工作地点的原因,决定在Winchester买房。看了一下Redfin的历史,觉得买房的难度很大。在我们的预算之内的房子,每年寥寥无几,很破旧,而且貌似需要抢。一个要好的朋友向我推荐了Wenny。Wenny 帮她买的房子,合作很愉快。到Wenny的主页看了看,林林总总的信息很多,而且绝大多数是她自己经验的总结。看了一遍那些帖子,对买房扫了扫盲,就决定选她做中介了。历经半年时间,下个星期,房子就过户了。作为first time housebuyer,回想整个买房的过程, Wenny给我们的帮助很大。首先我们很喜欢Wenny的爽快,可能是性格比较match吧,这也是我们合作愉快的主要原因。在看房的过程中,她常常凭经验能客观给房子做出恰当的评估,有什么说什么,房子的利弊,特别是弊,都重点指出来。Wenny 的爽快也表现在她的耐心上,任何时候对我们电话/email“骚扰”都有求必应,及时回复。沟通的顺畅让买房的每一步都有条不紊,少走了很多弯路。Wenny 很专业,就不多说了。她的“买后”服务也很到位,装修师傅的介绍,提供装修所需材料的购买途径和相关信息,帮我们省了很多时间。我们很高兴遇到了Wenny,买到了想要的房子,并且希望能通过买房结交Wenny 这个朋友,再次感谢Wenny给我们提供的买房服务,也祝她的生意越做越好!
  • ----2012-04-04 04:00:00
    盲目的行动,节约了大量的时间和精力。Wenny 给我另一个印象就是她的敏捷的思维和快速反应的能力。 如今的市场,好一点的房子上市后转天间就pending了,如果不能快速的行动,和selling agent交流,递交offer,可能就会失去心仪的房子。房地产经纪是个服务性行业,Wenny的服务意识很强,她有一个非常好的心态,对待客户真诚热情,在我的买房过程中,她会在细节方面照顾很好,也容易沟通,交流坦诚。总体感觉,Wenny 具备了非常良好的职业素质和修养,她能够签更多更大的单子就是水到渠成的事情了。如果非要说在这次的买房过程中对Wenny有什么建议的话,那就是Wenny以及其他律师等人的Email自动签名档让我有点抓狂。如果能够将很长的签名及个人信息设置为贴在回复Email的最底部,看起来就不那么零乱而让人找不到信息的主体了。另外,如果能够根据具体的事情随时更换email的主题内容,而不是仅仅点击回复,也会使来往的邮件更职业化一些。 Listing agent: Your paper work was clean and I thank you for that. Even we have a similar better offer, I'd like to make this work with you because I know your reputation as an agent. Our manager, David Sears, has spoken well of you and Doug Rae, our new homes director, adores you. Apparently you've done a number of transactions with Doug in the past. They have shared that I'm lucky you are the Buyer's Agent.
  • ----2012-06-29 04:00:00
    我们在波士顿地区的第二次买房,途经三个区(Lexington, Westford, Carlisle),经历了买房 > 盖房 > 又买房的变化, 历时近两年,看了已记不起多少处房子. 整个过程, Wenny 一直在我们身边,从没有催促和急躁. 她的高效,敬业,勤恳,加上丰富的经验和从长远入手的态度,让我们在心里已经把她当做一个非常值得信赖的朋友. 今天搬进新房,无论是房子的选择,最后的价格,还是交易的过程,我们都非常满意, 觉得两年的努力没有白费. 另外Wenny还是一个丰富的信息库,我们的贷款,找contractor,都是她推荐的,解决了我们好多问题,节省了时间. 将来有买房或卖房,我们还是最信得过WennyWenny: 好的客人,是暖心的客人。我们互相成全。感谢主,我这样的客人太多了。
  • ----2012-05-17 04:00:00
    Hi Wenny, “久闻大名”,今日亲自领教你的敬业, 高效,负责。非常感谢你帮我们抢到了房子!Thanks Wenny - you really deserve the full commission!Listing Agent:You were so wonderful to work with and I hope we can co-broker soon again.
  • ----2012-06-27 04:00:00
  • ----2012-06-29 04:00:00
    Dear Wenny,謝謝你幫我們買到房子,買屋過程中,你總是一直給我們很多很好的建議。真的謝謝你!這次買屋我們是從今年三月初開始找房子,到五月中拿到房子,中間一共經歷過四個房屋仲介。最先找了一位在網路上寫了很多麻州房地產資訊,心想:應該很專業吧,請她帶了幾間房子,從看屋過程中,我們就知道那位沒甚麼經驗。沒有辦法給我們有用的建議。接下來在open house時也認識了另外兩位在Lexington非常資深房屋仲介,其中一位只想要幫我們買房子,不是想幫我們買到好房子;另一位服務態度非常好,非常主動積極約我們去看屋,很可惜,我對她看房地產市場跟房子價值有很大的落差,也不夠專業,看房子時,我們問的問題,大部分她都沒有答案。連我們最在意的學區也沒辦法回答。Wenny是我們經歷過的房仲中,最聰明靈活專業的。一開始我們很不習慣Wenny的超快步調,加上台灣跟中國有很多用字遣詞不同,我無法完全明白她說的意思,常常猜測她說的是甚麼意思。在inspection以及closing的過程中,Wenny的專業就顯示出來了,幾乎有問必答,不管是裝修或是濕地的法規還有房子的優缺點,她總能句句命中。還會提點我們一些我們不知道的。 她做事效率特別快,非常有經驗,也有很強的人脈。請她幫我們買房子,我們不用擔心任何事,因為她都會提醒且幫我們打點好。如果你想要找買房仲介,我強力推薦Wenny!!
  • ----2012-07-02 04:00:00
    找到Wenny是看了她文学城的博客。朋友说你还真从网上找代理啊,总得有人推荐吧.可我总觉得朋友那儿听来的代理的故事都不怎么靠谱, 或是推你买不喜欢的, 有喜欢的连个offer都递不上去. Wenny的博客让我对她有一种信任,说不清为什么.在狼多肉少的Lexington抢个房子真的很难. 绝望中看到一个挂在市场多日的地点绝佳的房子,condition 稍差. 问Wenny可否挥大刀砍倒我的承受范围. Wenny轻描淡写的说:“试试呗,闲着也是闲着”没想到两个回合下来竟然谈成了. 卖方代理气急拜坏的说:“这个价钱只能是sold as is。”Wenny 照样轻描淡写说:“不要紧, inspection完了再说。”Inspection完了, 在Inspector的report当天出不来的情况下,Wenny连夜写了inspection response, 还拍了照片,找来contractor估计修理价格, 当晚发给卖方要credit. 卖方同样气急败坏的说:“不是告诉你sold as is,发些烂照片来干嘛?” Wenny说“你先给seller看看再说”下午卖主竟然同意给了全额credit.签Purchase and Sale之前又出了点麻烦,Wenny跑到town里几次确认,最后卖方终于同意解决,免了以后的麻烦.Wenny很有效率,想到了马上办.有点不忍看她大半夜开车去送文件. 百忙中她还会打电话提醒我今天morgage rate 好,赶快lock.Wenny是值得信赖的, 我的直觉是对的!
  • ----2012-05-18 04:00:00
    (the offer was accepted before two other offers coming in)We chose Wenny as our agent because she is a Christian. After working with her for a few months, we have to say she didn't disappoint us in the least as a Christian and as an agent. She always puts her client's interest first. The first house we liked was listed at $729K, which was close to our budget limit. Being aware of the multiple offer situation, we made an offer at $730k. The listing agent came back implying our offer was not good enough and asking for our final and best offer. As much as we liked the house, we couldn't really afford raising the offer much. Even though we didn't get the house in the end, we really appreciate her hard working. Wenny also has a large pool of contactors including mortgage brokers, home inspectors, fellow agents, etc. It's been a pleasure working with all of the them. Thank you, Wenny and Keep up the good work.
  • ----2012-07-10 04:00:00
    Jeff, thanks for your help in our house purchasing. We can always get quick response from you for any question we asked. You are very descent gentleman with great patience and very knowledgeable in real estate business. Thanks again and have a great weekend.
  • ----2012-07-31 04:00:00
    When we decided to transfer out daughter to Lexington, we asked our friends to refer us to a top selling agent with a good reputation. She sent us to Wenny. How blessed we were!She showed us resales, told us what we should aware of when the time to make the best selection. Wenny was our Lexington angel---assisting us every step of the way. Her did support and expertise us signing a contract, helped us with inspections, and provided helpful information. We happily settled into our new Lexington home and we have Wenny to thank for making this transition to a brand new lifestyle easy for us. She has been an excellent resource; even after moving in, which is proof that Wenny does mptstop serving at the closing table. We will be recommending her to our friends and acquaintances. After all, they should have the BEST Lexington agent too!
  • ----2012-08-24 04:00:00
    Thank you, Wenny! Love you and the house.
  • ----2012-08-06 04:00:00
    Wenny 非常专业,不仅仅是对房子本身,而且对各个不同地区的把握也非常好,不同的区,不同的策略,我们最开始在L区看上一个房,如果听Wenny的话抢下来真是非常好的deal,但是我们经验不足错失了。然后转战大波郊区,当我看到一个喜欢的迷你小房,Wenny却一直碎碎念我,说这里不是L区了,等着我后悔再来找她卖房吧,现在想来Wenny真是为了我们买房自讨苦吃,不肯提前两个月轻轻松松拿一样的报酬(Wenny:不一样,当时人家给的 2.5;后来拿的2.0commission,越拿越少),这么“笨”的代理,大家就好好珍惜吧,^_^。 对大局把握足够,我们现在买的房子是bank owned,很多麻烦和惊险都被她一一化解了,满足了我们的心愿.但也花了她不少心思,并介绍适合的专业人士给我们。还有一点就是非常热心,总是及 时回答问题,让我这种first time buyer 心理压力减小很 多。Wenny:这是我份内之事,小人物也有Pride,感激神让我作喜欢的事赚钱,我希望把喜欢的事做好。
  • ----2012-08-01 04:00:00
    Often it is hard to find a good deal for relocation due to extra time constraints. As fortunate as you are, we found this website. We are very happy to have Wenny and Jeff to work with us in the past two months. Our deal is great. We are able to find a home with a very competitive price. This is mainly due to Wenny and Jeff’s good sense of the market and fast responses and actions. To make the process much smooth, they sacrifice their time to accompany with us from inspection to closing and answer questions we may have. Their advices on things to replace and repair and finding good contracts from their many years’ experience are so much helpful.
  • ----2012-08-24 04:00:00
    We have been looking for houses for a while, mostly in belmont area, and finally made up our minds that Belmont is too expensive for us and begin to look around in other towns this summer. We have see some of wenny's post on wenxuecity before and believe that she is the right person who can help us. We're very impressed with Wenny's efficiency, she is always there when we have questions. We have been following the house market for a while, and when we saw the house that we bought later was on the market the first day, we are very interested and called Wenny right away to request to see the house. We're very surprised when Wenny told us that we could go on the same day. We went to see the house, the family was still leaving there and I have to say they are very good at decorating the house. Our whole family liked the house a lot, and we made a offer on the same day and the house was closed about 5 weeks later. As first house buyer we had a lot of questions and we're glad that Wenny alwayls replied on time. After the house inspection and Mortgage application we actually had to go back to China for 3 weeks due to family emergency, we are not so worried that something might go wrong when we are not here because we know Wenny and Vivian (our mortgage agent) will do their best to help us. We are glad everything went smoothly and we are glad that we made the right choice! we also like to thank Jeff, who is so patient with us for the final walk through.BTW, if you call Wenny and feel like you haven't finish the conversation but Wenny already said good bye and hang up the phone, do call her back, I am sure you are not the first one to have this feeling. It took me a while to get used to it.Wenny: 谢谢指正!
  • ----2012-10-26 04:00:00
    我们第一次买房,什么也不懂的,在网上随便搜了一下,看到wenny的博客有好多顾客的feed back.抱着试试看的态度给wenny发了email询问了几个区的情况,最后锁定了ANDOVER,经历种种波折终于搬进新居了。由于买的是new construction,好多东西都可以自己选。Wenny很热情也很专业,开车带着怀孕9个月的我去选橱柜选大理石,对于选什么柜子我也是不懂,wenny给了很有用的建议。后来我生宝宝的时候又要选油漆和房子的颜色,wenny又专门拿着样板跑到医院,总之很为我们着想,很贴心的。在这里不能不说一下我们那个狗血的builder,各种的不负责任,还延期交房,wenny天天帮我们跟builder那边打架,帮我们争取权益,很负责任。总之买房找wenny没错滴!From Wenny:Builder是很狗血,不寻常。
  • ----2012-10-09 04:00:00
    Wenny对房子市场的趋势很了解,对房子的定价,以及可能面对的竞争对手判断很准。我们找房子已经有一段时间了,在Wenny的帮助下终于找到了。因为有不少买家和我们竞争,Wenny一直帮我们时时监控整个过程,不时提供各种建议。她为人做事很直爽,和她打交道不用转弯抹角。另外她也不会逼我们仓促做出决定。我们和她的合作很愉快,希望以后还有机会合作。From Wenny: 路漫漫,我们一起走了三年,是我最初在RE/MAX的客人,终于找了个Deal,圆满了
  • ----2012-11-28 05:00:00
    搬家用的纸箱终于消失了,家具衣物各就个位,家用电器也开始各司其职。终于有了家的感觉。回想这半年来找房的起起伏伏,我要对我的经纪人Wenny说声,谢谢。2012年5月,Labor Day后,我只身一人来到Boston。妻子和一对儿女以及来美探亲的父母暂时留在了北卡。买房自然提到了日程。问了周围几个朋友和同事,他们都没推荐他们用过的买房经纪人。可见让客户满意并不是一件容易的事。一个朋友提到了Wenny,虽然他没有和Wenny合作过,但听说她做得不错。这让我想起曾经在MITBBS上看过Wenny写的造房记以及她对MITBBS上一些无谓的争执所表现出的隐忍和大度,让我觉得她是一个理性和成熟的人。于是联系了Wenny开始了每周看房的历程。刚开始我还有些担心,怕Wenny在Boston地区也不过3-5年,未必了解我想要的学区,或者对我想要的价位的房子不很熟悉。通过几次接触,我慢慢打消疑虑,Wenny对整个Cambridge和周围地区都很了解,尤其是Belmont和Lexington。尤为可贵的是Wenny对每个房子都直率的表达出意见,并不会 因为我的喜恶而改变。这对我来说有很大的参考价值,尤其是那时我对市场还不够了解。开始的时候,我并不着急,因为要熟悉周围的Town,了解交通和学区。Wenny对我也没有催促,我们先后一起看了Belmont, Lexington, Newton, Lincon, 以及Acton的房子。Boston房子的贵我有一些心理准备,但房子的老旧却有些出乎意料。Belmont虽然交通便利,但房子多为上世纪初的古董。从北卡那种全新的房子换到Belmont的古董房子,我一时半会还无法适应。Lexington是我喜欢的Town。但能看得上的房子又超出了我想负担的上限。这期间我先后给Lincon和Lexington的房子出价,两次Wenny都割让了一些她的利益来让我的出价更有竞争力,然而两次都没能中标。其中Lexington的房子,我已经尽最大努力比要价高出3万多,居然没有进第二轮的前三名。看着房价的不断提升,妻子一人带两个孩子的辛苦,和不知何时是尽头的买房历程,我不免焦灼起来。这时,Bedford的一处房子吸引了我,它环境优雅安静,背靠树林,周围的房屋新而整齐,屋内布局良好,宽敞明亮,有些方面甚至比起我在北卡的 房子更胜一筹。于是和卖家开始了讨价还价。Wenny帮我把周围成交房价进行了比较,使我对房子的市场价格有一个心理定位。Wenny看出了我对房子的喜爱,但不断地提醒我要hold住,以达到我理想的价位。经过几轮的讨价还价后,我和卖家终于达成了协议。于是,我就高高兴兴的进行了房屋检查,准备贷款事宜。房屋检查和贷款经纪人都是Wenny推荐的,这时我对Wenny是100%信任,几乎所有的大事小情都由她提醒。一切就绪后,我回到了北卡过圣诞,并让妻子辞职休假,准备搬家。这时,戏剧性的事情出现了,贷款公司要求我们补充材料证明妻子的工作不会受到搬家的影响。妻的辞职信刚刚上交,我们没法拿出证明。由于我们还有北卡房子的贷款,贷款经纪人觉得我一个人的收入可能正好在支撑我们新贷款的边缘。由于我们贷的是 Jumbo Loan,贷款经纪人也不能打保票,决定权在银行。于是我们面临着贷款被拒的风险。而且适逢圣诞,银行的决定迟迟不能下来,房子是否能按时close也成了疑问。而卖房经纪人对于我们可能出现的贷款问题表现强硬,威胁要没收我们的押金,因为是我们主动辞职带来的后果。整个圣诞我们都在忐忑不安中等待贷款的消息。这时,Wenny提出了一个令我吃惊的提议,如果我贷款未能通过,她愿意由她出面帮我筹集现金买房,然后我再慢慢还钱给她。而且在几个小时之内,她就确定了可以筹措的现金数额。经纪人做到这个份上,我真的无话可说。虽然最后我的贷款有惊无险的拿下,Wenny的提议给了我一个巨大的peace of mind,使我知道即使在最差的情况下,我也有退路。现在,我坐在电脑前,妻和孩子们已安静的入睡,而我享受着片刻的宁静。终于在Boston地区有了一个让自己可以称之为家的房子,有了让自己下班后急忙赶回来的憧憬,有了让自己的孩子们放心成长的地方。再一次谢谢Wenny。Wenny: 感激和信任是相互的,我们买卖双方彼此成全
  • ----2012-12-03 05:00:00
    She helps not only to get the house, but also gives a lot of help and advices regarding house renovation.She is more than perfect especially for the first house buyer.Wenny, Thanks a lot...
  • ----2012-10-19 04:00:00
    从年初开始看房到现在,我们感到最幸运的就是碰上了wenny这位亦师亦友的好agent,非常感谢她帮了我们很多,她的辛勤付出让我们感动, 她的专业服务我们十分满意!初识wenny是缘于同事的强烈推荐和她的网络日志,我当时一篇不落的通读了她的所有文章,顿感获益良多。于是这大半年下来,wenny陪着我们跑遍了95边上大大小小的town。我们真切地感到wenny作为我们的agent,更是非常值得信赖的好朋友和房屋房产方面的好老师。 初次买房的我们刚开始看房时更像在看热闹,wenny每次一下车就房前屋后里里外外带着我们细细地转,对于房子的优缺点直言不讳,详细指出和解释我们自己没注意到的种种问题,跟wenny我们学到很多有用的知识。wenny对待客户认真敬业热情耐心,处处站在我们这边,我们没有想到的都细心的帮我们想到,我们想了解的都及时帮我们查询。 wenny说话做事专业高效,回复及时到位,沟通能力强,专业经验一流,对房屋修建装修的方方面面都十分清楚,有这样经验丰富的agent帮我们把关我们自然放心很多啦!(wenny自己went thruogh过建房的每一步哦,见波士顿造房记)。wenny经验还表现在对房市和房价的准确判断以及抢房子时候的运筹帷幄,特别在好区好房大家抢的情况下尤为关键。我们深有感触,lp根据我们的几次亲身经历总结成一句话,“听wenny没错的”!呵呵。在multipile offer情况下,wenny动作快,反应迅速,知道如何出价最合理,如何去present offer和neogotiate,在大家价格都差不多的时候让我们的offer脱颖而出,最终帮我们用理想的价格抢到理想的房子。在大波士顿地区这样人杰地灵的地方买房真的很有挑战性。有wenny这样的好agent帮忙把关绝对事半功倍!我们真切的感受到了为什么wenny的客户都那么满意,而且自发的推荐给朋友和同事。wenny,绝对好样的!亚克西
  • ----2012-08-29 04:00:00
    初知wenny是在文学城,她为家坛小学集资的事,以及她的文章 《极品老爷子》给了我深刻的印象,自此便知她在波士顿从事房地产。真正和她见面打交道是从我在波士顿郊区买房开始的。在买房上,真的感谢wenny 和 Jeff 联手给予周全的帮助。Wenny的丰富的房地产经验,敏锐的市场感,Wenny 和 Jeff 及时的交易和有效的工作程序,在我们买房时尽显。在出价时, 凭着Wenny的经验和智慧,Jeff 的合作,我们的给价在竞争中出选。在房检和房贷细节和关节上,他们俩有耐心,把事情把握得有尺有寸。 Wenny是一个工作能力强又有爱心的人。我为自己选了wenny而高兴。 我丈夫也非常认可她的能力和为人。 我们都认为Jeff 是个有耐心且让人喜欢的人。We are sincerely thankful for the help Wenny and Jeff as a team has given us for buying our home in the Boston area. Wenny's rich experience in Real Estate, sharp sense for the market, their quick responses and effective communication helped us reach an agreement with the sellers. When making our offer, Wenny's expertise and efficiency meant that our offer was quickly acted upon and accepted. Wenny and Jeff were patient handling important details during the inspection and mortgage loan processes. They negotiated properly and alerted us when needed. Wenny is a person who has a strong ability for the job and a kind heart. I am glad that I made the right decision selecting her as our agent. My husband also praises her ability and personality. We also appreciate Jeff's patience and pleasant personality.Best & have a good weekend.
  • ----2012-09-28 04:00:00
    这块地卖的一波三折,惊心动魄,共有三家builder轮番登场,真心感谢Wenny and Karen。Wenny:眼界大开
  • ----2012-10-18 04:00:00
    我们是第一次买房子,没有任何经验,开始的看房子过程中,wenny 不断地教给了给了我们很多知识,使我们慢慢成熟起来,知道了怎样把我们对房子模糊的期待和现实结合起来,心中慢慢建立起来了对房子的判断的标准。我们要在winchester,belmont,lexington区买房子,这些都是竞争十分激烈的地方,在这种情况下,agent 经验是否丰富,能不能给出准确的判断,把握时机及时的作出反应,并同时能为客人的利益着想就显得特别重要。 而Wenny在这些方面都很出色,对我们能够最后能交易成功起到了很大的作用。 另外, Wenny 爽快利落的办事风格也让我们的沟通十分顺畅。之后的房检,装修,wenny 帮我们参谋,提供信息,推荐人,不遗余力帮了我们很多忙。 真心地感谢Wenny
  • ----2013-01-17 05:00:00
    Wenny是我见过的最友好最专业的agent。我非常庆幸在我第一次买房的过程就能遇到她。她回应迅速在第一时间帮我递offer,分析价位,让我顺利拿到喜欢的房子。因为买new construction,我们从下offer到 closing折腾了近三个月,Wenny一次又一次开车带我选装修材料,送厨房电器,连她老公都搭上很多时间,让我们非常感动。我第一次买房没有经验,很早就lock了贷款利率,结果closing推迟我被银行罚款。Wenny又主动提出帮我承担费用,其实根本不是她的责任。总之在整个买房过程中要不是Wenny我们不知要多操多少心,生多少气。每次看到Wenny不分昼夜不休周末替我们张罗,我都感慨万千。这么敬业的人没有理由不成功!衷心希望Wenny的事业更上层楼!
  • ----2013-01-17 05:00:00
    Wenny是我见过的最友好最专业的agent。我非常庆幸在我第一次买房的过程就能遇到她。她回应迅速在第一时间帮我递offer,分析价位,让我顺利拿到喜欢的房子。因为买new construction,我们从下offer到 closing折腾了近三个月,Wenny一次又一次开车带我选装修材料,送厨房电器,连她老公都搭上很多时间,让我们非常感动。我第一次买房没有经验,很早就lock了贷款利率,结果closing推迟我被银行罚款。Wenny又主动提出帮我承担费用,其实根本不是她的责任。总之在整个买房过程中要不是Wenny我们不知要多操多少心,生多少气。每次看到Wenny不分昼夜不休周末替我们张罗,我都感慨万千。这么敬业的人没有理由不成功!衷心希望Wenny的事业更上层楼!
  • ----2012-12-10 05:00:00
    Wenny is a great buyer's agent. She is knowledgeable, responsible and thinks in your shoes. We closed on our house 3 months from we started looking, hassle free.
  • ----2012-11-26 05:00:00
    It's well known that buying a home in Boston is quite a challenging“mission”, especially for the first home buyer like us. Wenny make this mission impossible possible. From the time we started looking for home with Wenny till the time we get our new home key only took less than 3 months! Wenny gave us a lot of suggestions, and never pushed us to make any offer. She responses email or phone calls very promptly, even if when she was on vacation in China. Wenny also referred good home inspectors, mortgage agents, and constructors to us. We will definitely recommend her to our friends.
  • ----2012-12-03 05:00:00
    She helps not only to get the house, but also gives a lot of help and advices regarding house renovation.She is more than perfect especially for the first house buyer.Wenny, Thanks a lot...
  • ----2012-12-29 05:00:00
    You sure deserve more compliments, but I am not good at words. :-) Thanks for all your help and advice. I don't know what to do without your help.
  • ----2012-11-28 05:00:00
    搬家用的纸箱终于消失了,家具衣物各就个位,家用电器也开始各司其职。终于有了家的感觉。回想这半年来找房的起起伏伏,我要对我的经纪人Wenny说声,谢谢。2012年5月,Labor Day后,我只身一人来到Boston。妻子和一对儿女以及来美探亲的父母暂时留在了北卡。买房自然提到了日程。问了周围几个朋友和同事,他们都没推荐他们用过的买房经纪人。可见让客户满意并不是一件容易的事。一个朋友提到了Wenny,虽然他没有和Wenny合作过,但听说她做得不错。这让我想起曾经在MITBBS上看过Wenny写的造房记以及她对MITBBS上一些无谓的争执所表现出的隐忍和大度,让我觉得她是一个理性和成熟的人。于是联系了Wenny开始了每周看房的历程。刚开始我还有些担心,怕Wenny在Boston地区也不过3-5年,未必了解我想要的学区,或者对我想要的价位的房子不很熟悉。通过几次接触,我慢慢打消疑虑,Wenny对整个Cambridge和周围地区都很了解,尤其是Belmont和Lexington。尤为可贵的是Wenny对每个房子都直率的表达出意见,并不会 因为我的喜恶而改变。这对我来说有很大的参考价值,尤其是那时我对市场还不够了解。开始的时候,我并不着急,因为要熟悉周围的Town,了解交通和学区。Wenny对我也没有催促,我们先后一起看了Belmont, Lexington, Newton, Lincon, 以及Acton的房子。Boston房子的贵我有一些心理准备,但房子的老旧却有些出乎意料。Belmont虽然交通便利,但房子多为上世纪初的古董。从北卡那种全新的房子换到Belmont的古董房子,我一时半会还无法适应。Lexington是我喜欢的Town。但能看得上的房子又超出了我想负担的上限。这期间我先后给Lincon和Lexington的房子出价,两次Wenny都割让了一些她的利益来让我的出价更有竞争力,然而两次都没能中标。其中Lexington的房子,我已经尽最大努力比要价高出3万多,居然没有进第二轮的前三名。看着房价的不断提升,妻子一人带两个孩子的辛苦,和不知何时是尽头的买房历程,我不免焦灼起来。这时,Bedford的一处房子吸引了我,它环境优雅安静,背靠树林,周围的房屋新而整齐,屋内布局良好,宽敞明亮,有些方面甚至比起我在北卡的 房子更胜一筹。于是和卖家开始了讨价还价。Wenny帮我把周围成交房价进行了比较,使我对房子的市场价格有一个心理定位。Wenny看出了我对房子的喜爱,但不断地提醒我要hold住,以达到我理想的价位。经过几轮的讨价还价后,我和卖家终于达成了协议。于是,我就高高兴兴的进行了房屋检查,准备贷款事宜。房屋检查和贷款经纪人都是Wenny推荐的,这时我对Wenny是100%信任,几乎所有的大事小情都由她提醒。一切就绪后,我回到了北卡过圣诞,并让妻子辞职休假,准备搬家。这时,戏剧性的事情出现了,贷款公司要求我们补充材料证明妻子的工作不会受到搬家的影响。妻的辞职信刚刚上交,我们没法拿出证明。由于我们还有北卡房子的贷款,贷款经纪人觉得我一个人的收入可能正好在支撑我们新贷款的边缘。由于我们贷的是 Jumbo Loan,贷款经纪人也不能打保票,决定权在银行。于是我们面临着贷款被拒的风险。而且适逢圣诞,银行的决定迟迟不能下来,房子是否能按时close也成了疑问。而卖房经纪人对于我们可能出现的贷款问题表现强硬,威胁要没收我们的押金,因为是我们主动辞职带来的后果。整个圣诞我们都在忐忑不安中等待贷款的消息。这时,Wenny提出了一个令我吃惊的提议,如果我贷款未能通过,她愿意由她出面帮我筹集现金买房,然后我再慢慢还钱给她。而且在几个小时之内,她就确定了可以筹措的现金数额。经纪人做到这个份上,我真的无话可说。虽然最后我的贷款有惊无险的拿下,Wenny的提议给了我一个巨大的peace of mind,使我知道即使在最差的情况下,我也有退路。现在,我坐在电脑前,妻和孩子们已安静的入睡,而我享受着片刻的宁静。终于在Boston地区有了一个让自己可以称之为家的房子,有了让自己下班后急忙赶回来的憧憬,有了让自己的孩子们放心成长的地方。再一次谢谢Wenny。Wenny: 感激和信任是相互的,我们买卖双方彼此成全
  • ----2013-06-17 00:57:27 Lowell MA, United States
    房子刚close,在这里简单评价一下. 我们找的Karen做我们的agent,买房期间接触了很多的agent, Karen是让我最最满意的一个!我们的budget有限,目标锁定在Billerica,但是Karen丝毫没有因为我们有限的budget而怠慢我们。每次电话过去,就算没打通,5分钟内必然有回应。只要是我们想看的房子,Karen总是能抽出时间陪我们看。最后出offer,到inspection后的还价,Karen都给了我们非常受用的建议。 跟Karen合作,她给你的感觉就是你是她的唯一顾客。以后如果有人让我推荐agent,我会毫不犹豫的推荐Karen!
  • ----2013-08-25 02:58:36 East Sandwich MA, United States
    I would like to thank Wenny for all her kind of help. Some suggestions she gave to me does not sound reasonable to me when I just started looking for a house, however after a while, when I look back, I find out that those suggestions are very valuable. She usually responses to my questions and request right the way. Most of time, she compromised to my schedule. I would say she is a dedicate agent and she considers you not only as a customer but also a friend. She has a right feeling about the value of the house.
  • ----2013-09-02 20:21:00 Boston MA, United States
    We are very satisfied with Wenny being our buy agent. She has been very flexible and efficient. Whenever we needed advise, however late we called her, she was always ready to help and advise, and could always get straight to the point. She also gives candid and honest suggestions. We would surely recommend Wenny to friends and whoever needs a good buyer agent.
  • ----2013-09-09 18:46:48 Boston MA, United States
    很幸运选择了Wenny作我们的买房agent. Wenny经验丰富,对房子的优缺点可以很快很准的发现,并且直言不讳。Wenny行事干练,工作效率很高,送offer非常及时,而且跟卖方沟通良好,这在目前疯狂的买房季是非常重要的。非常感谢Wenny,能让我们在四、五个月内就买到了心仪的房子。谢谢Wenny!
  • ----2013-10-21 02:49:02 Waltham MA, United States
    我在跟Wendy买房之前,还试用过其他几个Agent. 头两个感觉和卖方Agent没什么区别,基本不讲房子缺点。Renfin 的用过一次。Agent还不错。可是约Appointment太麻烦。最后一个是中国人,一切都好,就是总没时间帮我看房子。这时偶然在BBS看到有人推荐Wendy。便决定试一下。没想到她真的是象所有人说得那么好。看了一次房子我就决定从此跟定她了。 Wendy和我用过的其他Agent最大的不同就是她给你感觉她就是你的朋友,总是站在你这一边。她会诚实地告诉你房子的问题,不会Push你买房子。她的客人很多,很忙,但她还是尽量抽时间帮我看房子。另外她在房屋改建方面特别有经验。总之和她在一起买房真的很舒服。
  • ----2013-10-22 00:48:45 Waltham MA, United States
  • ----2013-11-13 22:25:44 Cambridge MA, United States
  • ----2013-11-18 04:44:30 Framingham MA, United States
    成为wenny的客户算是机缘巧合。作为第一次买房的人,很多问题都在MIT上面请教,Wenny有非常热心的帮忙解答。从回答中看得出她很专业,对大波士顿地区的房市非常熟悉,所以一来二往就选择了她作为我们的agent。事后证明我们的选择很明智,她在我们的购房过程中一直保持着热心与专业。 因为买的是在建房,略微带些customize,在我们选择材料与样式时,Wenny都给予我们专业和中肯的建议,让我们在有限的budget内实现效果与美观的最大化。而且在builder建造的过程中也时刻帮助我们留心。发生过builder在建造的时候贴错瓷砖,漏漆扶手的事情,Wenny在帮我们提醒和督促builder。人无完人,在我们上百次的电话email中难免有mis-communication,但是Wenny都是积极主动的处理问题,最后让我们满意。 如今房子已经close了,Wenny还是一如既往的迅速的回复我们的email短信和电话,提供优良的“售后服务”。如今回想整个过程,发现一切都挺顺利,我们之间的合作没有什么不愉快。Wenny是个值得大力推荐的好agent
  • ----2013-11-30 16:09:03 Brighton MA, United States
  • ----2013-12-13 15:10:49 Lexington MA, United States
    作为一个first-time购房者,碰到Wenny实在是我的运气,也是福气。刚开始买房的时候也是什么都不懂。朋友推荐了Wenny,聊了一会就发现这个agent非常专业。Wenny说话语速很快,但是都切中要害,决不拖泥带水。从此跟着Wenny开始了看房的过程。通常都是我在网上看到一个房子,就打电话给Wenny。她马上会给出非常中肯的建议,看还是不看。如果我还是想看,她就会带着我去看。最后发现她的判断通常是非常准确的。Wenny陪着我们看过Lexington,Winchester,Belmont和Acton的房子。非常惊讶她对这些区域的了解和熟悉程度。后来我们碰巧遇到一个Lexington Sell by owner的房子,看着还不错,马上打电话叫Wenny过来帮我们看。记得当时正是中午,她连午饭都没吃,就赶过来了。从上到下,从前到后考察过一遍后,她说这房子值得买。这下我心里有底了。在和房主谈的过程中,Wenny一直帮我们出谋划策,让我心里特别踏实。价钱谈好后,Wenny帮我们出的Offer,介绍的loan agent,找的律师,找的inspection。原来对买房子的过程一窍不通的我们就这样一步步在Wenny的带领下,把房子搞定了。房子买好了,可是她却不肯收我们一分钱,说是友情出演,因为我们已经是朋友了。真的,不知说什么好,只能说这是我们的福气。所以我相信Wenny说的,很多她的客人最后都成了她的朋友。后来在我们房子装修的过程中,Wenny一直有给我们很多方面的建议和帮助。我就发现她不仅是一名出色的agent,还是一个很好的designer,还可能是一个非常棒的contractor。从房子结构,到室内设计,从墙面到地板,从电器到家具,都能给我们十分中肯的建议。所以我说,遇到Wenny,非常lucky。Wenny, 谢谢!
  • ----2013-12-29 07:30:51 Watertown MA, United States
    从2013年3月开始跟着Wenny看房历时半年,期间阅房不说无数,也有百把来间了。作为first-time buyer,遇到Wenny,自己从最开始的一头雾水到10月拿下房子,wenny的耐心和专业令人称道(此处略去一千字)。单说我每次一有问题就打电话或者电邮给她,包括现在装修的问题,没有点耐心绝对招架不住。每次她都会尽快回复,大多数时候言简意赅但绝对击中要害。刚开始我也不太习惯她这种快人快语的风格,接触多了适应了Wenny的节奏,才会发现她的古道热肠和耐心细致。最最关键的一点是,Wenny从来没有push我去下任何决定,即便是面对今年火爆的市场,她也不缺客户的情况下,每次她都站在理性分析角度上给我建议,不厌其烦的去帮我沟通谈判。还有一件事,可以看出Wenny的厚道。看房期间,因为抢房太厉害,我甚至想到动用dual agent。Wenny知道后不仅没有生气反而表示理解买房不易,还提醒我一些注意事项。我对Wenny的信任就是建立在这些点点滴滴之上,从最开始将信将疑到现在凡事不懂先问Wenny,我很庆幸能找她做buyer agent。如果看review的你,和我当初看房一样茫然无知,不妨和Wenny多聊聊。最后申明一句,我写的这个review绝对出自本人之手,无他人代劳,也算是澄清某论坛上一些纷纷扰扰的信息。
  • ----2014-01-16 09:16:18 Manchester NH, United States
    wenny 很专业,有经验,有知识,了解市场。不给人压力。有些房子她替我们先看,不好我们就不用去了,节省我们的时间。出价给了很好的建议,我们才最终抢到房子。之后,又在装修上给介绍了很好的工人。真是的全方位服务。另外还提供意见和帮助,让我顺利把前一个公寓租了出去。
  • ----2014-01-21 16:28:21 Cambridge MA, United States
    wenny 很专业,有经验,有知识,了解市场。不给人压力。有些房子她替我们先看,不好我们就不用去了,节省我们的时间。出价给了很好的建议,我们才最终抢到房子。之后,又在装修上给介绍了很好的工人。真是的全方位服务。另外还提供意见和帮助,让我顺利把前一个公寓租了出去。
  • ----2014-01-25 17:03:35 Natick MA, United States
  • ----2014-01-31 21:00:00 Concord MA, United States
  • ----2014-09-04 00:02:38 Marlborough MA, United States
    能認識Wenny真是太幸運了 我最欣賞Wenny回覆我們問題的超級效率和熱心 她的專業讓我們很順利的買到喜歡的房子也在出租舊房子上給我們很大的幫忙 謝謝你Wenny!!
  • ----2014-09-28 03:32:32 Marlborough MA, United States
    You brought luck to us! We worked with other agent for the whole year in 2013, and put 6 or 7 offers, but never got one. I already gave you a super strong recommendation in our company. Thank you Wenny.
  • ----2015-09-14 16:47:09 Cambridge MA, United States
    Hi, Wenny: We are very lucky to have you as our listing agent for the condo in Arlington. We live in California and can not be there at all, but you have taken care of everything for us. From the day the tenant moved out, you received the key from the tenant and transfer the utilities to your name. You also coordinated the cleanup and repairs, ran to different stores for the needed material. You had the condo ready in a week, sold it over the weekend and got the price higher than our asking price. You then helped us to find the attorney, deal with town and HOA and had the transaction closed in exactly one month. You have taken care of everything for us, I can not say more but just to thank you. No wonder you can be the top agent in Boston area. KC
  • ----2015-12-11 03:04:16 West Newton MA, United States
    After working with Wenny in summer 2015, we obtained our house in Newton. We had two accepted offers for properties in Belmont and Newton , and eventually we chose the property in Newton, which is our dream home. Here, both my wife and I believe that Wenny is the best real estate agent we know, and we highly recommend having Wenny as your agent. In this review, we would like to show how Wenny’s strategy and connection works in real estate market, and she really take cake her customers. First, Wenny has excellent strategy to help buyer to obtain an offer. There are all kinds of scenario in bidding offers. There can be 5-20 offers, some buyers may have offer with much higher than asking price, some buyer may have higher offer price or P&S deposit, owners may want to close asap, and so on. Wenny understands how to deal with all kids of situation, suggest buyers to waive contingency, to waive negotiation after inspection if repairing cost is less than certain number, vary amount of offer and P&S deposit, and eventually obtain an accepted offer in the bidding game. We always follow Wenny’s suggestion, and we always believe that we can rely on her. Second, Wenny has great connect with other agents. She knows most of agents in good school districts such as Lexington, Arlington, Belmont, and Newton. She has very good experience to ask for “additional information” from listing agents. So she understands how to move it forward in the bidding game. We targeted about 5 properties prior to have 2 accepted offers. In deed, she provide us very valuable information from listing agent that other real estate agent cannot do at all. The last one, she well take care of her customer. She is very patient to go to open house with us for 10~15 houses. She explains very well for the value of the house by her inspection at open house. She even goes to city hall to look for building permit for my both accepted offers. From all our experience that Wenny is the only agent that can do it for her customer. She makes her customer comfortable and provides them great and useful suggestion. In the bidding game, we believe other real estate agents may not be able to help us obtain an accepted. We truly believe Wenny’s professional ability, we feel very comfortable working with her, and we highly recommend her to our society! Sincerely, XXX Chen, PhD, Senior Scientist in Pharmaceutical Industry. XXX Chung, PhD, Senior Statistician in Health Care Industry.
  • ----2016-04-04 00:36:22 Armonk NY, United States
  • ----2016-04-04 18:07:37 CA, United States
    Wenny had helped with two of my property purchases. She is knowledgeable, honest and very experienced with not only the purchase process, but also after-purchase hassles (such as how much it costs to replace that old burner...). The biggest strength I see in Wenny is her amazing pricing skills. For one property I told I would like to pay up to $350k but she got it for me with $338k. I trust her to pick the right house for me, and guide me to pay the right price too. Would hire her again if I need a third property.
  • ----2016-04-07 01:03:31 Reading MA, United States
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  • ----2016-06-18 13:39:58 Methuen MA, United States
  • ----2016-09-11 03:46:27 West Newton MA, United States
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  • ----2016-11-15 02:37:55 Lexington MA, United States
  • ----2024-06-29 09:54:22 Russian Federation
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  • ----2024-06-30 23:22:33 Ukraine
    The Balanset-1A device (hereinafter referred to as "the Device") is a portable kit designed for balancing rotors operating in their own bearings. This device allows for balancing in one or two planes, significantly increasing the service life of machines and mechanisms by reducing dynamic loads on bearing units. The kit includes two vibration sensors, a phase angle sensor, and a measuring unit. Features and Applications On-site balancing: The device enables the rotor to be balanced directly in its bearings, eliminating the need for special machines and mechanism disassembly. This simplifies the process and saves time. Automated system: The entire balancing process, from measurement to the installation of corrective weights, is managed automatically. The user does not need additional skills beyond what is provided in the instructions. Data archiving: All balancing results are saved in the Balancing Archive and can be printed as protocols if needed. Extra features: The Balanset-1A device can also be used as a standard vibrometer to measure the root mean square (RMS) value of total vibration, the RMS value of the rotational component of vibration, and the rotational speed of the rotor. Additionally, it displays vibration velocity time function and spectrum graphs, which can be useful for assessing the technical condition of the balanced machine. Package Contents and Operating Principle The complete package includes a measuring unit, two vibration sensors, a phase angle sensor, the necessary accessories, and a flash drive with software. The device operates based on the measurement of mechanical vibrations. Vibration sensors convert the vibrations into an electrical signal, which is then processed by the measuring unit and transferred to a computer for further processing and analysis. Balancing Recommendations. Vibrometer mode Condition of machinery: Balancing should only be performed on mechanisms that are in good technical condition and securely mounted on their foundations. It is not recommended to balance mechanisms with worn or damaged bearings. Rotor cleaning: Before starting work, the rotor should be cleaned of any contaminants. Resonance: If measurement results differ significantly from run to run, this may indicate resonance. In this case, the rotational speed should be changed or the installation conditions on the foundation should be altered. Vibrometer measurements: Preliminary measurements in vibrometer mode are recommended. If the total vibration value matches the rotational component, the rotor imbalance is the main contributor to vibration, and balancing can proceed. Checking static imbalance: For rotors with horizontal shafts, static imbalance can be checked manually by rotating the rotor 90 degrees. If imbalance is detected, a balancing weight should be installed. Conclusion Employing the Balanset-1A device ensures effective and quick rotor balancing, improving their performance and extending their service life. This is a versatile solution for those involved in the maintenance and repair of rotating mechanisms.
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