姓名:  Joe J. Li    
    1个人参与评分 共有1条评论 点击次数:4551
公司: Phoenix Real Estate Group
手机: 617-571-0188
公司地址:15 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803
  • ----2014-08-27 03:26:41 Shirley MA, United States
    Joe helped me find my dream condo finally. I've worked with 2 agents so far and Joe is absolutely the much better one. He is straightforward and sharp. I like him as a professional realtor as well as nice guy. Joe always tried to understand what I need and once he got there, you don't have to do much any longer since he'll take care most of things for you. Thank you very much Joe, for all the job you did. It has been a very busy period for me as well. I really appreciate all the help you had provided to me. Big celebration to everyone. Again, I'm very grateful that I have you working as an agent. Definitely will recommend Joe!
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