姓名: 秦晓红 Janet Qin    
    3个人参与评分 共有3条评论 点击次数:15643
公司: Quintess Real Estate
手机: (978) 761-9838
办公电话: (978) 429-3006

传真: (978) 429-3006
公司网站: www.JanetQin.com
执照: 009504953
公司地址:867 Boylston Street | 5th Floor |, Boston, MA 02116
微信: janetqinrealtor1
  • ----2013-07-06 04:00:00 Marlborough MA, United States
    We got to know about Janet in a few open houses and a free real estate investment seminar she offered to the local community. She came across as very knowledgeable, sharp, and professional. She helped us in our recent house search. Throughout the process she has been extremely responsive and pleasant to work with. Her knowledge and extensive networking in local market is tremendous and of great value to any potential buyers or sellers, and she is willing to go above and beyond to accomodate our needs.
  • ----2013-07-08 04:00:00 Marlborough MA, United States
    Janet did an excellent job to help us sold our house. Even in a slow market, she masterfully presented our home, and the process went smoothly. She also help us brought our lot, and find a contractor. We are in the process to building our dream house. I would strongly recommend her.
  • ----2013-08-01 04:00:00 Marlborough MA, United States
    We had wonderful experience working with Janet on both our home selling and buying! For the selling of our old home, she provided us tons of help in staging the home and preparing for open house. Her pricing for the selling is excellent and her hard work made the whole selling process smooth and happy. For the buying, she always kept us up to date with the market status and contact us actively whenever she found something fitting our needs. She not only found a great house for us with a great price but also helped us with all the details through out the buying process. It turned out to be another wonderful experience for our family! We really appreciate her wonderful help to us, and hope more home buyers and sellers can benefit from her great work!
             商家回复客户评论: 2014-05-12 09:52:08  Thank you so much and wish you all the best . I am always here if you have any question on real estate:-)
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