姓名:  Vivian Shi    
    47个人参与评分 共有44条评论 点击次数:57096
公司: Eversure Mortgage, LLC
手机: 781-879-4366

传真: 617-812-8020
执照: Loan Originator NMLS #287596, Eversure Mortgage, LLC NMLS #1266624
公司地址:84 Maple St, Lexington, MA 02420
微信: IvyBoston
  • ----2012-06-24 12:43:35 Bedford MA, United States
    2个同事同时推荐vivian Shi,果然不一般。 脾气好,为客户着想,rate最低,rebate说到做到,close也快,一切让人放心。100分满意!
  • ----2012-06-26 15:43:49 Wilsonville OR, United States
    2个同事同时推荐的vivian Shi,果然不一般。 态度好,为客户着想,rate最低,rebate说到做到,从lock到closing的速度超快,keep me updated in the whole process, 让我很放心。100分满意!
  • ----2012-07-02 18:44:13 Bedford MA, United States
    利率低,态度好,没有一点complain. 谢谢Vivian!
  • ----2012-07-05 18:16:15 Bedford MA, United States
    Vivian was very helpful, very knowledgeable, very accommodating, and very responsive to all my inquiries. When she was busy with someone else when I called, she always got back with me immediately afterwords. I really appreciate Vivian taking time to explain to me the pros and cons of different rates and rebates that I can choose from. A little trivia I learned is that mortgage interestsare pre-tax money while the rebates are post-tax dollars.
  • ----2012-08-03 21:23:07 Amherst MA, United States
    I'm a first-time home buyer. Vivian did a great job helping me to complete the whole process. She was prompt, responsible, and a good listener. She also gave me an AMAZING rate! I definitely recommend her and would work with her again.
  • ----2012-08-24 02:19:31 Washington CT, United States
    very professional and strong expertise in knowing whether the mortgage can be approved or not, and GREAT interest rate!. Did everything she had committed. Highly recommended
  • ----2012-09-12 19:13:03 Bedford MA, United States
    我还是对她非常满意的, 我和同事用的是不同的broker, 我们几乎同时申请贷款的, 我20天就做完了,同事还在补材料, rebate不错, rate不错, 人品也很好, 强力推荐!
  • ----2012-09-17 17:32:22 Methuen MA, United States
    Vivian Shi, 我买房时就找她, 贷款金额不大, 她也不嫌弃。 这回re-fi, 一份多余材料都没要, 没有一个condition! 很少见的高效率!!! 当然,我自己情况也比较简单, 加上他们审核材料很仔细, 避免了很多申请过程中的麻烦, 总之,利率低,还有rebate, 态度好,很满意,谢谢Vivian!
  • ----2012-09-23 17:01:37 Amherst MA, United States
    Vivina做事效率高、透明度高、有问必答。从initial inquiry 到closing只用了20天。她用的lender对财产收入等文件审查较严,很小的细节都不放过,但从lender的角度着想,这是为了保证贷款的高质量和低利率而必需的。要想得到最好的利率,就要得到lender对你偿还能力的信任。只要耐心配合,还是会很快就close.
  • ----2012-09-25 20:24:57 NC, United States
    Vivian Shi 是我的同事强力推荐的。 找她之前我已经问了好几家了。 她的rate最好, 而且还有相当不错的rebate. 其他几家一般是没有rebate的。 和她做re-fin的过程非常简单。 Vivian 会很仔细地帮我算怎样能拿到最好的rebate. 非常满意,下次有机会还找她。
  • ----2012-09-28 21:37:42 Leominster MA, United States
    利率最低, rebate高, 态度好, Close非常快, 特别满意
  • ----2012-10-26 19:29:30 Brookline MA, United States
    我之前做过几次refinance, 这一次是从麻省房产网站上看到有许多人对Vivian评价很好,才将信将疑地打通电话向她询问。 Vivian提供的rate是最好的,而rebate是其它人通常不提供的。 而且她非常耐心和细致,我非常满意和信任。 我通常不会花时间写评论,因输入中文太慢。但这一次我真心向大家推荐Vivian.
  • ----2012-11-07 15:19:20 South Grafton MA, United States
  • ----2013-03-05 02:43:58 Southborough MA, United States
  • ----2013-03-08 02:10:06 Waltham MA, United States
    谢谢你, Vivian. 回复及时,解释详尽仔细,也非常为顾客着想。非常敬业。贷款进行非常顺利。 非常乐意推荐给朋友。
  • ----2013-03-14 23:54:55 Westford MA, United States
    Vivian Shi不仅人漂亮,耐心好, 利率也比别人低不少。 老公回国出公差, 我第一次接手refinance, Vivian教了我 很多东西。 我家扫描仪工作慢,baby小,她就来我家取文件,非常感激她, 在这里赞一下!
  • ----2013-04-27 16:09:57 Leominster MA, United States
    我几次贷款和重新贷款, Vivian Shi 是我见过的最好的broker,她耐心负责认真, 不论什么时候打电话找她, 她总是耐心讲解, 告诉你所有你需要的信息, 同时还告诉你其他有用的信息. 她的rate不错, 还有不错的rebate, 下次我还会找她, 也会推荐给我的朋友
  • ----2013-05-16 20:17:06 Brookline MA, United States
    我是第2次与ivian做Refinance, 真的是非常非常满意。 Vivian 十分耐心并及时的帮我锁定了low rate, 而且给了我们非常好的rebate (决大多数Broker 是不提供rebate 的)。 从锁定rate到Closing 仅用了15天时间, 太快了! 我真心地向朋友们推荐Vivian.
  • ----2013-05-28 13:29:21 , United States
    Vivian 不仅给出很好的利率,而且对客户认真负责,给客户热情耐心的讲解。在时间紧的情况下,能够及时close。非常满意!
  • ----2013-10-04 00:35:51 Jamaica Plain MA, United States
    我读了这个网上评论以后决定找Vivian贷款。Rate是最低的。因为在这其间房子出了点状况导致close时间非常紧.如果不能及时Close 我们不仅拿不到房子而且押金也拿不回来。Vivian跟我说决不会让我们受到损失。她会想其它的办法做备份。最后及时拿到了贷款, 买到了我们想要的房子。谢谢Vivian!
  • ----2014-03-07 22:38:04 Woodbridge NJ, United States
    Last September we bought our first house and our friend who was also a customer of Vivian referred Vivian to us to help us with the mortgage.I considered it as the smartest decision of my last whole year. Vivian and her team worked extremely professional, efficient and very nice to customer. The reason I said this was because before the mortgage process was initiated, Vivian listened and discussed with us all the choice might fit our situation best, very patiently. After the mortgage process started, Vivian's processor worked very close with me;we communicated a lot about what documents to prepare and every details. She is so good and I could not find out a exact word to describe how satisfied I am with her diligent, professional work. So last year, we got our mortgage approved very fast and we moved into our new house.I think this is all according to Vivian and her team's hard working. This Feburary, we decide to do the refinance our mortgage from the current 15 years to 30 years. We chose Vivan and her team again. The same as last year, they never let us down. Thank you, Vivian and your whole team. It was a very happy experience for having you helping us to get every finance. We appreciate all your hard working and may you more success in the future. I am sure about this, very confident!!!
  • ----2014-03-30 03:35:20 Sutton MA, United States
    认识Vivian Shi已经很久了, 在她那儿贷款,重贷几次; 这次做投资房, 首先就想到她。但Vivian 认为TD bank 的投资贷款比较好,介绍我去试试; 可是结果并不理想, 我又找到她。 Vivian马上帮我查找, 真的找到一家利率比较低;做投资贷款, 过程比较复杂, 但Vivian做起来一丝不苟, 有问必答, 非常耐心,在短时间内做成了。 依然是低利率,无点数, 有rebate,几乎零closing cost。如果有朋友想做贷款, Vivian Shi 是你的选择。
  • ----2014-04-01 18:50:22 Watertown MA, United States
    同事推荐的vivian, 她给的利率很好, close也很快。 另外态度也很好, 值得推荐!
  • ----2014-04-07 14:02:46 , United States
    Impressive expertise on Mortgage application. competitive loan rate and rebate rate! cares about client's interest, always there when I had questions!
  • ----2014-04-10 22:01:15 CO, United States
    我是第二次找vivian shi做贷款了。上一次是两年前,来madizhu转了一圈, 发现她的利率最好,口碑最好,于是选了她。我这次是把arm换成15年固定,她依然是最好的利率。vivian 业务精通老练,态度耐心坦诚。申请的第一时间她把我的情况分析得很透彻,指导我处理好了现有的贷款和银行账号,最后很顺利很迅速的完成了refinance。谢谢vivian
  • ----2014-04-23 20:02:38 Boston MA, United States
    很幸运找到 vivian 帮我们贷款, 她的利率很低, 服务周到, 为客户着想。我们买的是银行房, 贷款数目不大, closing 时间又非常紧, 其他版上的“著名”broker 都不接。只有Vivian 接, 其实她们的利润不大。 vivian 以及她们公司其他人,经常八小时以外和周末加班, 最后7天就贷款批了。不料中间又有很多波折,由于卖方原因,一而再, 再而三 延长closing date, 差点不能 close。vivian 公司毫无怨言。 很感激遇到她, 才让我们顺利买到 foreclosure 房子。
  • ----2014-07-24 02:12:53 Burlington MA, United States
    买房子找Vivian贷款,因为一些特殊原因,她不能完成;但她马上转到另外一个朋友那里,按时贷到了款,房子按时close了。 6个月后,我又找她refinance, 她仍很耐心,负责,顺利完成了:利率还算满意,有rebate,无closing cost. Vivian 对人很负责,解答问题很专业。 她是个值得信赖的人。
  • ----2014-07-25 18:07:22 Boston MA, United States
    We highly recommend Vivian Shi as your loan officer. She smoothed our difficulty purchase and sales process. She is very professional, knowledgeable and patient. She was there when we needed her. Vivian, you are the best!
  • ----2014-11-03 17:50:50 Boston MA, United States
    春天抢好区银行房, 被mitbbs 著名 贷款 id 忽悠, 但是最后嫌贷款数太小,不作了。害得我们只有10天close。 非常幸运找到vivian, 接下我们的case, 7 天就完成贷款, 并且rate 最好。 但是卖方又反悔, 要加价。 closing 日期再三后推, 给 Vivian 公司带来无数麻烦。 但是vivian 和她们公司, 一直努力帮忙, 最后终于顺利成交。我贷款数小, 她们其实根本赚不到很多钱。强烈推荐vivian 和她们公司。她们是我曾经用过的5个代理中最好的。工作和搬家一直很忙,但几个月后的今天, 还是想写出对她的感谢。
  • ----2014-11-13 02:14:05 Grafton MA, United States
  • ----2014-12-18 13:31:13 , United States
    Vivian 帮我refinance了很多次了。我非常非常满意!其实利率在同一天大家的报价都一样,但是她的服务很好。每次找她都很快回复,非常耐心。Loan也close的很快。尤其这次,本来我觉得利率够好了,请她lock. 她反复建议我再等一等,果然又多拿到了900块的rebate. 强烈推荐!
  • ----2014-12-31 23:57:26 Wellesley Hills MA, United States
  • ----2015-05-14 12:08:01 Berkeley CA, United States
    Very honest on the rates and rebates that customer will get. Keeping the customer updated in time and responding to customer inquiries timely and in details. Highly recommended.
  • ----2015-06-23 17:42:33 Epping NH, United States
    North Reading, MA, refinance第一次找了vivian,Vivian非常认真负责的帮助我在短时间内取得好的rate,而且给了接近900的rebate,回复非常及时,highly recommended.
  • ----2015-06-23 19:21:25 Worcester MA, United States
    this is the best refinance service I have ever experienced! highly recommended!
  • ----2015-06-23 20:34:25 Johnston RI, United States
    今年房子很难抢,为了抢到房子,我想waive mortgage contingency. 可是我头上已经有两个mortgage,这样有点冒险。我跟Vivian说明了情况以后,Vivian给我做了仔细的计算,说我可以waive掉那个contingency。我们也做了最坏的打算,就是实在不成vivian帮我一起用cash拿下那个房子。在申请贷款过程中,银行问了我们很多问题、Vivian一直很耐心细致的帮我们。最后我们终于按期拿到贷款close了房子。非常感谢Vivian!
  • ----2015-06-28 04:16:56 Natick MA, United States
    朋友推荐 Vivian Shi 为我们做贷款,结果非常顺利。整个过程流畅,专业,严谨,细致,而且贷款利率最低,rebate高,Close 非常快,是个值得信赖的人。
  • ----2015-08-08 01:58:37 Brookline MA, United States
  • ----2015-09-03 13:37:14 IL, United States
    搬进新家了,在这里感谢Vivian 专业,耐心的服务。
  • ----2015-12-18 19:35:22 Princeton NJ, United States
    Very professional, very patient and prompt to answer the questions that arise. One of the best rates you can get among all the brokers. Highly recommended!
  • ----2016-04-22 03:21:42 Sharon MA, United States
  • ----2016-05-10 10:02:48 Framingham MA, United States
    I am very satisfied with Vivian and Sonja' Law Office's service in our house purchase this time. This purchase is much harder than normal ones because the house itself has a lot of law issues which we had no idea at all when we signed the purchase agreement. Without Vivian and Sonja's Law Office, I do not think we could get this deal successfully at all. Here I would like especially thank Sonja Law Office's Heather Chuey and Jessica Schofield very much! In the last minute in the closing day, lender found another condition of the house which I have no idea at all; Jessica delt with this very efficiently and we could get the house close on time. Thank you, Vivian, Heather, Jessica, Sonja! We like, enjoy and appreciate your service very much!!! Best regards and wishes, Ying
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