姓名: 李红英 Nancy Li    
    3个人参与评分 共有3条评论 点击次数:19778
公司: ARBC Financial Mortgage Corp.
手机: 978-807-9701
办公电话: 1-800-938-4201

传真: (781)938-4788
执照: NMLS# 22134 MLO22134, Broker Lic, MA: NMLS# 3066, NH: NMLS# 11212
公司地址:3 Baldwin Green Common, Suite 108, Woburn, MA 01801
微信: nancyl9701
  • ----2010-07-14 18:23:09 Boston MA, United States
    Very knowledgeable
  • ----2011-02-18 16:51:35 Medford MA, United States
    Very good service.
  • ----2011-12-10 20:50:37 Watertown MA, United States
    I did purchase and refinance (twice) for my house with Nancy Li, and she gave our family a good service every time. I personally believe she is trustworthy. I did no-no (no point, no closing cost) for both purchase and refinance. Although the APR is higher than the note rate, the settlement statement and closing documents clearly reflects the correct note rate, and all closing costs were credited on the settlement statement as well. My mortgage payment every month is calculated exactly as it should by the note rate. I think the note rate is what we need to pay attention to in a no-no refinance, not the APR.
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