姓名:  Jian Sheng (Jason) Du    
    39个人参与评分 共有39条评论 点击次数:54354
手机: (617) 799-1366
办公电话: 978-319-0526
公司地址:26 Morses Pond Rd, Wellesley, MA 02482
微信: jason1965523


Residential or Commercial Construction, Remodeling,

Roofing, Deck, Hardwood Floor, Vinyl Siding.

No Job too Small

Local Reference available.




  • ----2013-03-22 15:10:34 Watertown MA, United States Malden的房屋装修检查员(Building Inspector)是麻州最难对付的,尤其是对中国人的房屋装修检查,非常苛刻,刁难,Jason都能轻松搞定。我的房屋装修检查一次就通过了,而且非常快,三层楼的装修工程,检查员只看了一层,就签字通过了,看来检查员对他特别信任,他做的工程都是按照麻州的标准(Code)。他自己有装修执照(Construction Supervisor License),在麻州有十二年的盖新房经验,跟Lexington,Boston等城市的房屋装修检查员有良好关系。找他盖房没错!
  • ----2013-03-23 23:21:20 Maynard MA, United States Jason有與衆\不同的觀點與品味,我和我同一個cul-de-sac的二家鄰居,都做了大規模的房屋整修,結果都很滿意,交給他做,不用躭心會不完工,拖拖拉拉,會做的亂七八糟,他有個網站,介紹他的成品,他的價錢不是最便宜,但是價錢不是全部,不是嗎?便宜了,結果不滿意,要重做,又捨不得,那才叫難受。
  • ----2013-03-26 03:04:02 Sherborn MA, United States 我们家在2003年里做了房子扩建加大面积,当时雇用了Jason du construction .在整个工程中无论从工程的质量和价格还有进度,都使我非常满意,如果我有机会再做改建我还会找这家公司。:)
  • ----2013-04-03 21:34:04 Cambridge MA, United States 我在 Malden 装修一个三家庭的房子。美国公司的估价太贵。先请的一个亚洲公司价格便宜,但是受到 Malden building inspector 的刁难,几次申请都拿不到许可证而自行退出。Jason 在Malden 做过许多装修,building inspector 知道他的工程质量,在Malden拿装修许可证和工程检验都毫无问题。他的工程质量很棒。我们耽误了几个月才找到他。今后凡是需要在Malden 拿许可证的装修就一定要再找Jason。便宜的小装修公司在Malden 很难拿到许可证,只会耽误时间。
  • ----2013-04-05 02:44:07 Lexington MA, United States Jason的工没话说,正规执照,正规保险,真材实料,最放心。我这几年自己的,客户的,朋友的活,别人搞不定的时候就会想到Jason,他的报价不会是最低的,但材料和活真是没话说。 去年我翻修一栋cambridge百年老宅,找了Jason的同时还找了一些分包工人来干活,结果一比较,所有的subcontractor活儿都没他和他下面的工人好。 特别要推荐一下!!
  • ----2013-04-23 03:44:49 Boston MA, United States lexington--我是在朋友强立推荐下结识的jason,有幸合作,加盖了我的房子,在他的建议下对原设计进行了合理改变,出现了异想不到的效果,虽然价格在几份报价不是便宜的,但经过开工前考查,看到令我满意的新房,和之后的维护保养是物有所值的,去年的暴风令我出租物业屋顶受到严重破坏,报纸请了几家公司估价,发现都是三无,无公司,无保险,无执照,和jason通过电话,在他的兄第公司,圆通装修和海翎装修公司的顶力合作下,问题迅速解决,在此同时表示感谢。
  • ----2013-06-14 19:11:38 Watertown MA, United States Jason 为我们翻修了厨房与卫生间。他的做工与用料都很不错,价钱合理,也保证工期。确实能从客户利益考虑问题。给我留下深刻印象的是他的工人师傅们非常勤勉,从不闲聊,也很少休息,老板在与不在一个样,这是保证质量与工期的重要方面。我已经把他Jason推荐给了我的同事,其工程也在近日开工了。
  • ----2013-06-30 21:48:04 Maynard MA, United States I hired Jason to remove a weight bearing wall. He did a wonderful job, provided the accurate calculation for the beam and work in such a courteous, fast and clean fashion, I would recommend him to any one for his ability and wonderful working ethics.
  • ----2013-10-05 01:16:07 Everett MA, United States 我住在Wellesley,两个月前jason帮我家装了厨房跟厕所,我很满意。他的公司设计真的很好,而且品质有绝对的保证。他的公司有专业的团队,分工细腻,不是一般的公司可以比的。虽然价格比别的公司贵了点,不过绝对值得
  • ----2013-10-19 17:03:08 Cambridge MA, United States 以后碰到的装修师傅都是没有执照的,以后可以直接找JASON。强烈不推荐另外一个美捷林文河装修,客户地下室水流成河屋顶漏雨已进行法律程序
  • ----2014-01-01 04:47:22 Andover MA, United States I hired Mr. Du to remodel the interior of my home and could not be more pleased with the results. He was fast and the workmanship was fantastic. I would definitely suggest him to others if you are looking for a fast and quality construction company to do business with.
  • ----2014-02-17 01:18:24 Methuen MA, United States Jason is a outsanding and reponsible constructor. I highly recommend Jason as your constructor.
  • ----2014-07-06 01:03:13 Plymouth MA, United States We had Jason convert our downstairs half bath to full bath. We are very happy with his work. He is always prompt and the work quality is excellent. We would use his company again if we do another remodeling.
  • ----2014-07-11 02:22:45 Plymouth MA, United States 我们今年夏天请Jason做了一个卫生间,又更新了厨房。我们对Jason 的工作很满意。我们的是老房子,施工比较复杂,经常需要改水管和其他管道。Jason 能够从实际情况出发,给我们很好的建议。他做工也很细致,建筑质量很好,另外价格也很适中。我们下次做装修肯定会考虑他。
  • ----2014-08-05 13:56:24 Lawrence MA, United States 我刚来Boston,住在lexington 开始找的一家没有license的装修公司帮我做basement和2个bathroom 做到一半的 被inspector停工,损失金钱又耽误了入住时间,后来朋友介绍Jason的公司来做,真的是不一样 ,Jason很专业,做事很细致,工程质量很好,重要的是有license让我觉得很放心,inspector的检查都很顺利通过,建议大家以后找公司就要找有license的,在美国真的很重要
  • ----2014-09-08 00:40:20 Arlington VA, United States 我之前并不认识Jason,只是通过网络和电话和他交流商定合作,委托他帮我装修,直到他的装修完成,竣工时我才第一次见到他。Jason的专业性和工作质量都非常好,而且竣工的时间把握得非常好,装修中很多细节也都替我想到了。非常感谢Jason的努力。虽然我和Jason只是因为我房屋的装修刚刚认识,但是我还是向大家推荐他。
  • ----2015-04-03 15:47:48 South Grafton MA, United States 我家加建和内部装修工程去年开始,目前完成近半,Jason团队非常专业,做工细致,我们之前也筛选过好几家装修公司,老美老中都有,也专门取得了曾经和Jason合作过的业主的reference,从质量、价钱、沟通、专业程度几方面综合比较,Jason团队还是相当出众的。 现在期待Jason童鞋给我家房子整体完工后的惊喜。
  • ----2015-07-09 22:59:44 Stow MA, United States My husband and I own an oral surgery office in Winchester. We bought our house in Lexington that Jason build, which is a wonderfully well constructed, and over the years Jason always help us to maintain the house. About 5 years ago our office need remodeling, we hire Jason and his crew to do the job for us. My husband forgetfully left a stack of check and cash in the office, we thought that someone stole it, but when we went back to the office after the weekend, Jason handed us the checks and cash that his crew found. We so appreciated their honesty and craft ability. It\'s a wonderful company, we highly recommended.
  • ----2015-07-17 08:15:12 Hong Kong 真的非常感激่Jason Du Construction Co.!虽然没有见过面,只是通过电话沟通,但是Jason的专业,负责,认真,让我非常地放心,很快就建立起了信任!本来很担心的问题,非常短的时间内就完美解决,真的非常感谢和感恩!
  • ----2015-11-09 01:04:28 Brookline MA, United States jason的公司,沟通非常好,人的素质没的说,诚信的公司,证照齐全,业务非常专业,值得信赖,强烈推荐!
             商家回复客户评论: 2015-11-11 11:27:38  非常感谢您对我们公司的点评,
  • ----2015-11-15 05:46:33 Boston MA, United States I had a great experience with JASON DU CONSTRUCTION CO. I hired this company to paint my townhouse in Wellesley. Jason himself visited us and provided a lot of good suggestions. His quote is very reasonable. Their crew was thorough and did everything perfectly, interior painting, ceiling, drywall repair, and texturing. They used high quality interior paint. I loved the color they picked for my master bath. Initially, I thought there might a bit of a mess when they were done. The service turned out to be very clean and they put everything back in place when they were finished. They finished the job really quick. I would highly recommend their service and use this company again for any future remodeling.
  • ----2015-11-15 05:49:53 Boston MA, United States I had a great experience with JASON DU CONSTRUCTION CO. I hired this company to paint my townhouse in Wellesley. Jason himself visited us and provided a lot of good suggestions. His quote is very reasonable. Their crew was thorough and did everything perfectly, interior painting, ceiling, drywall repair, and texturing. They used high quality interior paint. I loved the color they picked for my master bath. Initially, I thought there might a bit of a mess when they were done. The service turned out to be very clean and they put everything back in place when they were finished. They finished the job really quick. I would highly recommend their service and use this company again for any future remodeling.
  • ----2015-11-15 06:24:44 Boston MA, United States 我们今年春天请Jason做了两个卫生间,又更新了厨房。Jason 能够从实际情况出发,给我们设计了十分棒的方案。他选择建筑材料质量很好, 风格和颜色和我们的房子非常搭配。他的团队很专业,做工很细致, 而且迅速。完工以后,为我们清理的非常干静。另外价格也很适中。我们对Jason 的工作很满意, 我们下次做装修肯定会用他。
  • ----2016-02-19 19:46:44 Brookline MA, United States We found Jason on this website with good reviews. He and his team did an excellent job with our kitchen and bathroom flooring. Also the window screens and miscellaneous house repair. The price is fair and he cared about details. We are very happy with the results and will recommend Jason to our friends.
  • ----2016-02-21 23:05:22 Sudbury MA, United States Jason Du Construction Co. 是我在網上找到的裝修公司。找他的原因是因為看到每一年都有顧客給他㝍點評, 都是正面的評語。請Jason來做過工程估價和看過他以前做過的工程後, 雖然有師傅的價格可以更低, 還是決定請他做我新家的裝修。工程包括廚房重做: 拆除與餐廳相連的內牆, 爐頭和水池移位, 裝抽油煙機, 加island, 換木地板, 封兩面墻/窗, 改一面窗做bay window, 移sliding door到餐廳, 装厨柜, recess lights, 重鋪水管电线... 还有楼下family room 重做和改半衛成全衛, 另外加了很多不大不小的零碎工程... 從開始申請permit到工程完工Jason都以認真的態度一一按時完成, 過程中都是有商有量並且提供專業有用的意見, 工程剛完成, 結果讓我非常滿意! 對於Jason我個人的意見是: 他有很好的design sense和大局觀, 廚房的設計他給了我很多見議, 亮點基本上都是他的設計, 整體的結果很美觀實用。對於工程他有很高的標準, 用料考究, 特別注意細節, 在包工包料的情況下他不會為了小利犧牲質量。曾經他請我自已挑選瓷磚, 我挑的最終沒有選用因為他幫我挑了更好更漂亮的, 出來的效果令我更喜歡。這樣的例子不勝枚舉, 在忙碌的工作生活中他的專業經驗和眼光幫我省心很多。他團隊的工作質量就算我一個很懂房子建築很挑剔的朋友看過之後也很被認可。所以當Jason請我為他寫點評的時候我是覺得很應該的。從自己的經歷來看, 我相信以前為Jason寫點評的客人沒有作假, 我也是誠實作證。如果有人要求Jason出示reference, 我很願意作他的推薦。
  • ----2016-02-25 20:34:07 Somerville MA, United States My bathroom pipes were frozen on bone-chilling cold Valentine’s day (Sunday) and burst on Monday. I contacted several restoration companies and plumbers to fix the emergent issues, all which were unavailable to respond. The last company I called was Jason Du construction, who responded quickly to check the leaky areas out and find the burst pipe and replace it. I cannot even begin to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to him for his kindness. Jason and his team came to my home again several days later to take out wet ceiling drywall panel and wet ceiling insulation, as well as install new stuff of them and painting. They did excellent job, and they were very professional, honest, responds quickly, and repair work charges are reasonable. I would highly recommend affordable Jason Du construction!
  • ----2016-03-30 22:14:00 Dover NH, United States 我们之前找了一家巴西人开的公司来装修厕所。那批人做事邋遢、唯利是图。不得已之下我们提前终止了合同,然后在偶然的情况下在这里搜索到了Jason Du Construction Co. 看到无数好评,我们当晚就联系了Jason Du。他第二天一早在预约时间准时到达并订下预算。在之后的一、两周内,Jason Du和他两个助手为我们翻修厕所,维护坏梁(被巴西人那家毁掉的),修正歪斜墙板(也是之前巴西那家搞的),更换抽油烟机,换门,修窗,以及修理了家里许多其它小的毛病,其中许多是我们之前没有注意到的。这样我们的合同不断更新,但Jason始终诚实守信,合理定价并体谅我们的难处。在工作上,Jason他们历来准点到达,仔细认真,尽心尽力并且十分高效。他们还为厕所装修提很多好的意见,大部分为我们所采纳。总之,我们对Jason Du Construction Co.的工作非常满意,毫无保留地向大家推荐。
  • ----2016-06-09 16:02:19 Holden MA, United States 我见过老杜的成品,质量真是没话说。我需要一些小修小补的事情,老杜给我推荐两个contractors, 然后精心给我电话询问进度和我满意程度, 而且问题及时转告,修正。人靠谱要看小事,老杜绝对靠谱。Two thumbs up!
  • ----2016-08-25 03:06:31 Lexington MA, United States We first started looking for a contractor to renovate our kitchen one year ago. We contacted Jason Du Construction after viewing good feedback online from his previous clients. Jason is easy to communicate with and responds promptly to our request. His professional input on the design and ideas are valuable and fantastic. We felt confident in him even just meet once. After comparing with few other contractors, we decided to ask Jason to remodel our kitchen. Our kitchen remodel was completed in June 2016. We were so excited and happy with the new kitchen. The kitchen is totally transformed. Many friends/relatives who have seen before and after the kitchen renovation were amazed and praised with Jason’s work too! Jason and his team are easy to work with, and they strive their best to make sure we are satisfied. We let Jason to choose the design/pattern of the kitchen backsplash for us, and the end result was “WOW” and “STUNNING”! We love the backsplash so much. His quote was higher than other contractors; however, the quality is worth the price. All in all, we will highly recommend Jason Du Construction.
  • ----2016-12-02 19:04:44 Medford MA, United States 我们两次请Jason做事的经历都非常好,所以在这里给朋友们推荐一下. 第一次请Jason是三年前,我准备把临街可walkout的地下室装修做办公室. Jason 来看工时又量又算,最后建议我们不要做finishing了。他不但用数字说明楼层高度不符合code,实用性不强,而且还帮我们分析了可能存在安全隐患。从他耐心的分析讲解中可以看出他非常专业,而且非常认真负责任地替我们着想。虽然当时我多少有些怪他有钱不赚管太多,但最终还是听了他的建议没有装修地下室。今年我们通过广告,请了一家装修公司,做两个卫生间的翻新改造,刚开始这家装修公司说有License和Lnsurance,也什么答应的很好,后来他们开工后,我们追问看他的License时候,他又说什么到期了拿去换了等等理由,(其实他根本就是沒有License的公司)还总是找理由加钱,我们每天下班回家后看到的他们工作,就是脏乱差,我们后来看到他们把垃圾和废材料藏在墙壁内,我们发现后就把他们Fired了,真的后悔找了一家三无的装修公司来作工,过后我们又请来了三年前的Jasonduconstruction公司,从设计到选材料的各项细节,Jason都给很好的建议. 而且他的工作团队非常专业高效,每天离开时都把场地清理得很整洁。我们曾有与其他小公司或者个人施工者的的经历,虽然从表面价格上能节省了些费用,但Jason Du Construction 是效率和质量都最物超所值的。我们对这两个卫生间的改造非常满意,很愿意推荐给其他朋友,也请大家以后做建筑装修工程工作,一定要找有经验及有License公司。
  • ----2017-03-31 20:52:01 Brighton MA, United States I can't recommend Jason highly enough for any level of remodeling or renovation jobs you may be doing. We recently used Jason Du Construction to remodel the kitchen in our home and have been delighted with both the process and the results. Jason is someone who knows their business and takes genuine pride in the quality of the work they're doing. In the beginning, although I was pretty sure I wanted to use Jason Du Construction based on a friend's recommendation, I wanted to get bids from other renovation contractors for our remodel just to be thorough. When compared with the other bids, I was very impressed with Jason's pricing and the level of detail outlined in his bid. Another big factor for me in choosing the right contractor was the lead time involved for the renovation. Most of the other contractors couldn't work within our time constraints- which was to have all of the remodeling completed in six weeks. We knew it would be tight but Jason absolutely pulled through for us. Our kitchen look amazing. We were absolutely delighted that the remodel stayed on schedule and within our budget. The remodel took the demolition of the old kitchen, down to the studs and put it all back together again with new plumbing, electrical and heating. Jason helped source all of the new appliances and finishes through his vendors for the entire remodel which can be a handful if you haven't done it before. He provided us with numerous sources for our kitchen cabinetry also. All the work performed throughout the remodel is of the highest standard and we enjoyed working with Jason and all of his sub-contractors. I also really appreciated how hard they all worked towards keeping the remodel on schedule and within our budget. Remodeling, or any kind of renovation, (whether big or small) can be very stressful- but having Jason as our contractor really helped alleviate the majority of our concerns and I will definitely be using him for any future renovation needs we may have.
  • ----2017-09-05 23:14:57 Boston MA, United States 我在framingham找了很久都找不到一家物美价廉的装修公司,Jason不仅装修效率很高而且积极与我们联系反馈信息。我们的厨房和卫浴都装修的非常漂亮和整洁。Jason定价合理而且认真仔细,我真希望我能早点找到他,这样就不要受那些其他公司的罪了
  • ----2018-02-25 18:03:51 Malden MA, United States 我是通过中介认识Jason的,几年前买房子的时候找过Jason给我做厨房和厕所的装修,质量和工期都很好。 今年12月我家从大陆回来发现水管爆裂,考虑到Jason的价格高了点,为了省钱就找了朋友介绍的一个装修公司和保险公司打交道。开始的时候那家装修公司答应的很好,但是工程最后做的一塌糊度,inspector检查几次都没有通过,后来我打听到这家公司的licence是用的别人的 ,我立即把他么fire了,还是回来找到jason的团队,这里不得不说,jason真的非常专业,把一切问题都处理的很好,按时高质量的完成的工程,我全家可以顺利在房子里过春节,这里特别感谢jason和他的团队
  • ----2019-06-10 00:03:46 Andover MA, United States 杜先生和他的團隊做事迅速認真仔細, 真的值得推薦. 我已經請杜先生來做了兩次房屋維修的工作. 第一次請他幫忙是旅途回來發現家裡有地方滴水, 和杜先生聯絡, 他迅速過來解決了我的問題. 第二次則是進行Deck整修, Deck的施工最怕的就是結構問題以及Deck和房子連接處防水沒做好, 造成房屋內部的進水. 杜先生本身有建築的執照, 施工的時候他十分注意法規與細節, 也都會解釋事情的原因與做法, 可以讓人放心把房子交給他施做. 在此十分感謝杜先生的兩次幫忙.
  • ----2019-08-23 15:41:55 Arlington MA, United States 我们的厨房和厕所需要装修,找了几个Plumber,开价都高得离谱。经朋友介绍找到了Jason ,从quote到作业,正规,专业,细心,真材实料,最难得的是Jason至始至终都给我们最中肯的建议,从实用的角度出发,帮我们省去了很多不必要的花销。施工过程中还有个小插曲:我们买的dishwasher的门在deliver的时候撞坏了,我们之前没有开箱检查,已经超过了48小时,要return再换新的会很麻烦。Jason二话不说,想尽各种办法,帮我们把门修好了,几乎看不出痕迹,而且,free of charge!!亲戚朋友要做装修,我都强烈推荐Jason Du Construction!
  • ----2020-07-31 03:36:51 Yonkers NY, United States 通过朋友的推荐,疫情期间很幸运找到Jason帮我们装修房子。从估计,签合同,设计,到后面施工,质量把控,每一方面都非常专业。中间给了我们非常多实用的建议,最后装修的效果超过了我们的预期。和Jason的交流过程非常舒服,反馈及时。Jason的团队效率高而且专业,整个过程我们几乎没怎么操心。为了保证我们在租房合同结束前,比原先承诺的日期提早不少完工。我们有一部分材料是Jason 包的,结果他给我们买的材料从品牌和规格都比我们自己原先预计的好,大大出乎意料。最重要的是,Jason有证有保险,价格合理。 价格完全按照我们商定的合同执行。而且Jason不拘小节,在装修过程中还帮我们做了很多附加的小活,都是免费帮忙。 以后还有装修的需求,我们会毫不犹豫的选Jason。
  • ----2020-12-02 16:21:11 Haverhill MA, United States Jason and his team are amazing. We bought a newly renovated condo and the original builder took shortcuts and had a terrible worksmenship. As a result, we had water leak issues as well as other problems. Jason and the team had perfect communication, spent less time than originally estimated to finish the job, cleaned up every day, and most importantly, everyone had such attention to detail that everything was done right. Jason was honest, straightforward, and gave great advice. He went out of his way many times to make sure we got the result we loved. I highly recommend Jason Du Construction!
  • ----2020-12-08 04:33:20 Concord MA, United States 我们的房子从close到入住有几个周的时间 所以想趁这段时间换天花板,加 recess还有粉刷墙。 最初两个周的时间陆陆续续联系了几个individual 的 contractor 但是感觉不专业不放心 也非常的慢 两个周下来一点进展都没有。本来要放弃就这样搬进去了。 后来我们非常幸运的找到了Jason. 从第一次见到Jason, 我们就感觉到了他的专业以及非常负责的态度 我们马上决定要请他来帮我们,也非常放心的把钥匙交给了他。从第一次见面到工程全部完工 Jason的团队只用了一个周不到的时间 非常的高效 工程质量远超出我们自己的预期 还主动帮我们做了家里的修修补补 他们是非常非常棒的 high level 的团队!很幸运这次能够他们合作。以后我们房子装修还会拜托Jason来帮忙 有朋友装修我都会强力推荐Jason给他们。 再次感谢Jason 跟你的团队!  
  • ----2022-05-15 07:12:11 Burlington MA, United States 今年一月份开始装,4月份入住。整个房子基本全装,期间装修许可审批、材料等所有杂事我们基本上都没管,装修期间有什么问题,处理很及时到位,装修后效果不错。感觉他人实在,易于沟通。
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