姓名: 丁是 Cheung, Susan Ding    
    3个人参与评分 共有3条评论 点击次数:9672
公司: Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
手机: 7816401770
微信: susanoned

Susan Ding Cheung, (丁是)是麻州大波士顿地区全职房地产代理和房地产Broker,是科威国际房地产公司Associate Broker。她拥有商业金融和工业工程管理的双硕士学位。她提供免费的房屋评估和市场分析;学区资询和租聘咨询,她对房产市场独具慧眼,能提供明确的建议和有效的知识。 她对房产投资管理也有着丰富和扎实的经验。
Susan Ding Cheung (丁是)为人诚恳,认真负责,她坚守顾客利益高于一切的原则,尽心,尽意,尽职为顾客服务!他用专业和诚信提供优质的服务。

服务区域:Metro West and Greater Boston Area
服务描述: 服务描述:买房,卖房,出租管理



  • 居家住宅建筑维修认证(RCC)
  • 新建家宅认证专家(CNHS)
  • 经验丰富房地产专家(SRES)
  • 认证的房地产顾问
  • 商业房地产认证顾问
  • 美国亚裔房地产协会成员
  • ----2018-10-05 00:37:44 Bedford MA, United States
    Susan is very responsive. She will arrange the open houses for you on the same day, and take you to each in one day, save you a lot of time. She also printed out the house info in advance, so you can check it on the way while she's driving. For new buyers, she will explain to you the pros and cons for each house, which is very nice. --yuehou1283 Bought a Condo home in 2017 in Bedford, MA
  • ----2018-10-08 01:37:44 Billerica MA, United States
    We highly recommend choosing Susan Ding Cheung as your real estate agent. Susan helped prepare our house to put it on the market. She is very knowledgable, experienced, patient and responsible throughout the process. Susan helped make the process go smoothly as we had hoped. --By gping929 Sold a Single Family home in 2017 in Billerica, MA.
  • ----2018-11-06 01:30:44 Reading MA, United States
    Since I signed the rental listing agreement with Susan in November, till now the apartment was rented, Susan had continued to show apartments, sent emails and answered a lot phone calls, evently we selected a tenant with good credit background and trusted history record. I am very happy and satisfied. During this time period, I found that Susan is a very trusted and proficient Realtor with strong skills and ethics, She communicated closely with me about every step of the process and situation of the rental process, check the credit and provide suggestions and opinions, she is very responsible, and easy to get alone and really do everything from her client’s best need and have high quality result from her work. I will definitely use her when I have real estate needs in the future, I also strongly recommend her to my friends and people that I know. --By yifangy2002 Found a tenant for a Multi Family home in Reading, MA
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